## build: Build source code for host platform.
.PHONY:buildbuild: @echo "this is command 1"## build.multiarch: Build source code for multiple platforms. See option PLATFORM
.PHONY:build.multiarchbuild.multiarch: @echo "this is command 2"## image: Build docker images for host arch.
.PHONY:imageimage: @echo "this is command 3"## push: Build docker images for host arch and push images to registry.
.PHONY:pushpush: @echo "this is command 4"## ca: Generate CA files for all iam components.
.PHONY:caca: @echo "this is command 5"## help: Show this help info.
.PHONY:helphelp:Makefile @echo "\nUsage: make <TARGETS> <OPTIONS> ...\n\nTargets:" @sed -n 's/^##//p' $< | column -t -s ':'| sed -e 's/^/ /' @echo "$$USAGE_OPTIONS"